Coronavirus Alert: Wait times are statistical averages and may not reflect current wait times during the pandemic.

Spectrum Health Zeeland Community Hospital Ratings

Zeeland, MI 49464
Phone: (616) 772-4644

Hospital Type: Acute Care Hospitals
Emergency Services: YES

Quality of Care - Infectious Diseases - ER Wait Time - Patient Ratings

Quality of Care - Mortality Rate

How well does Spectrum Health Zeeland Community Hospital save lives? 13% better than the national average, based on the overall mortality rate for critical illnesses.
Mortality Rate
Heart Failure10%

Infectious Disease at Spectrum Health Zeeland Community Hospital

Drug resistant bacteria are becoming the largest health facing the United States. There are an increasing number of drug resistant bacteria, including: drug resistant bacteria due primarily to unnecessary and mis-applied use among humans and livestock, patients with hospitalizations for relatively minor reasons can suddenly face lifethreatening illness.

While many hospitals are implementing questionable flu vaccinations1 for their employees, many fewer have as rigorous solutions for nosocomial MDR infections.

Infectious DiseaseCases
C. Diff
Sickens more than a half million people each year and has a 17% mortality rate after one year2
Causes life-threatening bloodstream infections, pneumonia and surgical site infections. Mortality rates may be as high as 20%3

Emergency Room Wait Time Ratings

Time until initial exam: 0h 18m

Non-critical cases where patient is discharged have total visit time of 1 hour and 28 minutes

Serious cases where patients are admitted have 3 hour and 0 minutes to be admitted, then an additional 1 hour and 0 minutes delay before leaving to their room.

Patient Ratings

While customer satisfaction surveys don't necessarily reflect the quality of care provided at the hospital, it can identify some areas that are important standards to maintain, such as managing pain and maintaining a sanitary environment.

Overall Rating: VERY GOOD
Spectrum Health Zeeland Community Hospital 4.75 out of 5 based on 45 ratings. 45 user reviews.

84% of patients rate the hospital excellent

Positive Patient Ratings

Some patients praise:
  • Nurses usually respond quickly when patients need help
  • Pain was usually controlled for patients

Negative Patient Ratings

    No consistently negative reviews

    1Questionable efficacy of flu vaccination
    2C Diff Mortality Rate
    3MRSA Mortality Rate

    Spectrum Health Zeeland Community Hospital Stories

    Apr 11, 2017, 12:26 PM
    Spectrum Health Zeeland Community Hospital: "I visited the ER at Zeeland Community Hospital oh 5/31/16. The staff was very friendly and the room was nice, and I don't think I waited 15 minutes to be seen. However, I feel I was not well cared for. My pain was not managed at all, and I waited over 2 hours (probably closer to 3 hours) for the results of a very physically uncomfortable ultrasound.

    I came to the ER here because, as my husband as I were driving home from vacation, I started to miscarry. I was mentally unprepared for the amount of bleeding and pain I began to experience. In hindsight, we probably did not need to go to an ER, but we were frightened, so we went (we did not know how many more ERs we would find on our way back to Illinois, and had a hard time even finding this one).

    During the 5+ hours that I was at the Zeeland ER, I was told I could not have pain medication (or peppermint tea, or even water) because I may have to undergo emergency surgery. Fair enough. However, I was not given any other options for pain relief (cold pack, heating pad, extra pillows). I could not even walk around because I was tethered to the bed by my I.V. Now, neither my husband nor I thought to ask for these things at the time, but we were understandably preoccupied, and neither of us has any kind of medical training.

    I would happily have traded the fancy TV for more attentive care. Maybe if I was not in a private room, enough other patients would have complained of my moans of extreme discomfort that I would have received some relief (or at least a single attempt to relieve my pain). Upon admission, I rated my pain at a 6 of 10. Staff never asked again, but the pain levels went up.

    So if you have to come here, I recommend you do not try to be brave when rating your discomfort; you won't be asked twice. Also, you will have to be pushy. We were not pushy and I definitely suffered for it. That said, I am alive and healthy enough to complain."
    - Chris

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